Merging multiple CMF2 maps

If you have multiple CMF2 maps covering the same area, they can be merged to one map for your convenience. To do so, run Merge CMF2 files tool on CarryMap Builder toolbar.


The tool dialog will appear.



Select the first CMF2 map that you want to merge with other maps, pressing  



Press Add input map to add the other maps.



In the appeared dialog select the required maps and their names will be shown in the tool window.



To change the order of the added maps, select them in the list and press Move up or Move down button, or long press the left mouse button and reorder the selected maps as needed.

To delete the added map/maps from the list, select the required map/maps and press the cross icon on the right of the map name or click the Delete command in the context menu.


Specify the output merged map name and location pressing the three dots button.



After that press  to start the maps merging process.




To cancel merging of multiple CMF2 maps to one map, press . Upon the process completion you will see the appropriate dialog.